How To Setup One Stop Order Processing Enterprise to work with MySQL

You can improve the performance of One Stop Order Processing by using a different database, MySQL. One Stop Order Processing can import all of orders from Ebay, Amazon, Shopify, Magento, SellerDeck into MySQL. MySQL is designed to manage large volumes of data and simultaneous users. Many of the world's largest organizations including Facebook and Google use MySQL.

MySQL is free to use (called MySQL Community Edition). Other paid for versions are available to provide improved processing and management.

You can install MySQL on any computer that is available to you, including internet based servers. You can also install MySQL on the main One Stop Order Processing PC. One Stop Order Processing supports MySQL version 5 and 8.

This guide shows how to setup the following

Setup MySQL 8 on a PC Server (Windows)

Setup MySQL 8 on a Client One Stop Order Processing Enterprise PC

Setup One Stop Order Processing Enterprise to use MySQL

Setup MySQL 8 on a PC Server (Windows)

1 This is freely available from:

2 Click on the downloads link

3 Select the MySQL Installer for Windows, the smaller install will allow you to only include the components that you need.

4 You don't have to create an account, just click on the No thanks, just start my download.

5 After downloading and running the installation, select the installation type. You should select Server only (for the main Server computer). If you are installing onto a client PC (a PC that just connects to the Server) go to Setup MySQL 8 on a Client One Stop Order Processing Enterprise PC.

6 You maybe asked about Path Conflicts, if you are, this is normally click on Next .

7 You maybe asked to install additional required components, if you are click on Execute. If you are not asked go to step 9.

8 If additional components are installed, click on Next.

9 You can now download and install MySQL Server. Click on Execute.

10 After the installation click on Next.

11 You can now configure MySQL Server. Click on Next.

12 In the Type and Networking section change the Config Type to Server Computer and click on Next.

13 Leave the Authentication Method as Use Strong Password Encryption for Authentication and click on Next.

14 Create a secure admin password and click on Add User (to create a login for the One Stop Order Processing Clients. You can use the same account for all users. However, if required, you can create a separate account for each One Stop Order Processing PC. This account is entered into the connection information in the One Stop Order Processing Change Site dialog.

15 Type in the username, e.g. osop, with a secure password. Make sure the Role is set to DB Admin. Then click on OK.

16 The defaults for setting up the Windows Service should be correct, click on Next.

17 To confirm the setup click on Execute.

18 Once the configuration is complete click on Next.

19 The installation is Complete, click on Finish.

Setup MySQL 8 on a Client One Stop Order Processing Enterprise PC

1 This is freely available from:

2 Click on the downloads link

3 Select the MySQL Installer for Windows, the smaller install will allow you to only include the components that you need.

4 You don't have to create an account, just click on the No thanks, just start my download.

5 Select the installation type. You should select Custom (for a client computer). If you are installing onto a Server PC (a PC that is the server, where the database will reside) go to Setup MySQL 8 on a PC Server (Windows).

6 Under MySQL Connectors, expand Connector/ODBC 8.0.

7 Select the current X64 Connector/ODBC by clicking on the arrow.

8 Click on the Next button.

9 To install the driver click on Execute.

10 When the installation has completed click on Finish

11 This will now allow One Stop Order Processing to access your MySQL server (and database). Once the site MySQL has been selected One Stop Order Processing will work in exactly same way as it does when using the standard database.

Setup One Stop Order Processing Enterprise to use MySQL

1 When installing One Stop Order Processing select the Enterprise version of the software. This will allow you to use the built in (Microsoft Access) or MySQL database. By default, One Stop Order Processing Enterprise uses the built in database type. Once MySQL has been installed and setup, to use MySQL, select the Other tab in the Options (select the Tools->Options menu option from the main One Stop Order Processing window).

2 When you now open the Change Site dialog (by selecting the File->Open->Site menu option) you need to configure the MySQL database settings. Click on the Enterprise Database settings button.

3 Type in the name of your server where MySQL is installed. This is normally the name of the PC. Type in the details for the MySQL account being used and click on Test Database Connection button.

4 If the details are correct you will be shown Database Connection Successful dialog. Click on OK. If the details are not correct you will be shown the Database Connection Unsuccessful. Check your settings and try again dialog . Click on OK and check the connection details.

5 To create a new MySQL site click on the Create new site (Database) button. You can also create a new site by using the File->New->Site menu option.

6 Type in the new Site Name and click on Create Site

7 You can, optionally, copy all the site details from an existing site (a Microsoft Access database site). To do this select the site to copy from and click on Copy Site Details.

8 This will copy all of the details. Click on the Close button.

9 You can select the site from the list of Sites shown. You should fill in the Location details to be a shared folder from a PC on your network.

Location Folder
For standard configuration the Location should be on the main MySQL Server. However, you can put this folder on any PC on your network. This OSOP folder is used to share Courier details and Printing Templates (e.g. Invoice Template). For example, courier labels created by PC1 is stored in the main shared OSOP folder so that it can be picked up by all other PCs connected to the OSOP folder.

Automation should be installed and run on the PC that is specific in the Location Folder. When using Automation you should configure One Stop Order Processing to setup the MySQL connection. You can then select the MySQL site within the Automation Tasks to import and process orders.

Additional Changes Required
You may need to make changes to your One Stop Order Processing Setup where you have specific setup specific to your company. These are explained below:

Advanced Order Processor
If you have made changes to the Rule Definition File (IL_OrderStatus.ini) you will need to update the database fields to remove all squarebrackets ([]). For example, [Invoice].[sEmail] should be changed to Invoice.sEmail. If you have not made any changes you can rename this file (e.g. to IL_OrderStatus.ini.old) before installing the new installation and the an updated version will be installed. If you have created any rules that use Custom SQL: you should remove any square brackets around any database fields. Please contact us if you need help with this.